Friday, October 16, 2015

CDS Tasks Nigerians on Increased Security Consciousness

The Chief of Defence Staff (CDS), Gen. Abayomi Olonisakin has urged Nigerians to be more security conscious so as to avert the recent onslaught by Boko Haram Militants.

The CDS gave this Security hint as he challenged the Intelligence and Research departments of the Armed forces and other Security Agencies in the country to come up with viable and up to date technology in terms of equipment and platforms to help curtail insurgency and crimes in general.

The Chief of Defence Staff (CDS), Gen. Abayomi Olonisakin was a Speaker at the Nigerian Navy Research and Development Seminar, with the theme; ‘Innovation and Research and Development (R&D): Turning Bright Ideas to Operational Solutions’ in Abuja, Olonisakin lamented the high rate of soft target bombings by Boko Haram insurgents, and called for increased pressure on the insurgents in the North-East of Nigeria.

“The issue of suicide bombings that we have been witnessing is as a result of the pressure on the Boko Haram terrorists in the north east.

“They are now aiming at the soft targets, and Nigerians must be security conscious and report any suspicious movement around them, because security is everybody’s business especially the face we are in now.”

The CDS emphasized that, “the pressure have been on terrorists and they are fanning out, and, in the process of fanning out, they are hitting the soft targets”.

He also added, “we are to ensure that everyone that have been probably abducted or even conscripted by the Boko Haram terrorists are brought safely including the Chibok girls. This is our desire and that is what we are working towards”

Continuing, He said “Today our nation is faced with security related issues; as a result it is challenged by multi facet threats with great manifestations especially in the North eastern region and in the maritime environment”.

“These challenges will require enormous material resources to surmount them. Accordingly the research and development efforts of the Nigerian Armed forces would be more than ever before demanded as to innovate towards attainment of self reliance in line with the strategic vision of the President.

“It is most gratifying to note that there is desire and aspiration by the Nigerian navy to transform itself through the tools of research and development for enhanced operational efficiency”

The event was also attended by Chief of Naval Staff (CNS), Vice Admiral Ibok-Ete.

Maxwell Ashiuloka.

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